Thursday, November 18, 2010

A TV Episode Life

I know, I know! Its been FOREVER since i have posted. I apologize.  Life seems to have a way of going so fast that its hard to even take a deep breath every once in awhile. So i have to tell you some things. I have a new job! Yeah! I'm not really excited though, in fact i have been feeling worried and slightly, or more than slightly if im being completely honest, panicy about it. It is something I have never done before and I don't know what to expect which makes me, a die hard worry wart, nervous. There has been issues along the way too, for example, I found out today ( I start tomorrow) what time I am actually starting, what i am supposed to wear, and that i will be required to work Saturdays and some Sundays. For those of you who don't really know me, finding stuff like this out at the last minute drives me BONKERS!!! My poor friend Rich had to put up with me when I was uber mad about it. And it caused me to fight with my parents. I kept trying to tell myself to just trust God and stop worrying but i wasn't really handing it over. And then about 10 minutes ago while i was in the bathroom ( doesn't the best ideas occur in this room?) I realized that everything would be fine. I almost laughed at myself for getting so caught up in the worry when I should just hand it all over to God and focus on doing my best while knowing that God will take care of the rest of it. Anyways all of this reminded me of an TV episode. You know where there is this HUGE problem and somehow in 30 minutes to a hour everything gets fixed. I was wishing for a TV episode life when all the problems started popping up. But really? I already have one. I know that at the end of every experience God is going to use it for his glory. Hope this helped you look at life a little differently.

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