Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lack of Oxygen~

Sorry i havent been on here in awhile. Life seems to be passing me WAY too quickly. I havent found a new job yet but im working at Jimmy Johns part time so at least im out being productive lol. I dressed up as a construction worker for Halloween and then went over to my second mom's house and played board games with my friend and her boyfriend. Speaking of boys... ;) I met someone! Thats all I am going to say now... I don't wanna jinx it. But I am in a freakishly bad mood right now. My dad is driving me crazy! Don't get me wrong I love him and I normally get a kick out of hanging out with him. But lately it feels like all he does lately is talk about how to 'fix me' or guilt trips me into something. Idk its not important, you will have to forgive me, I am in one of my moods. So how have you been? Do anything interesting for Halloween?

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