Saturday, November 20, 2010

A night on THE HILL!

So my mother's birthday was Weds. but we didn't get to celebrate it till tonight. So we ended up going to Zias which is this AMAZING italian resturant down on the hill. If you don't know, The Hill,  is this small community in down town STL filled with Italians. Italian resturants, Italian bakeries, and tons of italian families. I LOVE it there! I would love to live there if it wouldn't require leaving all my friends, my church and one of my jobs behind. So we go to Zias and we had to wait for 45 minutes to get a table but its cool because my mom, my sister , and I were cracking up laughing the whole time. I think it had to do with lack of sleep on my sister's and my part and also the fact that going to Zias is a huge adventure for my family.  We got our seats and our waiter who seemed snooty came over and the got the ball rolling. My favorite workers there were 2 of the busboys because they werent all uppity like our waiter. My dad and my sister ate their weight in bread and i actually didn't do much eating, mostly because i was cracking jokes or trying not to laugh with soda in my mouth ( it ends up showering people and for some INSANE reason, they don't like that so...)  The meal was really good. I suggest the Cavatelli! It is my all time favorite food! The ride home was a little bit more subdued but only because my mom wasn't feeling good and my dad was being a party pooper. Oh plus my dad is a slow driver so it seemed to take FOREVER to get home ( which is what my Facebook status refers to in case you were wondering) which of course became something else my sister and i were giggling about. All in all a pretty successful evening. I will leave out telling you about how i had to wake up at 4:30 AM and Max threw up when we got home. Because they seem to be mood killers lol. I hope to leave you in a mood for a family outing that involves pasta. How did i do? :)

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