Friday, September 10, 2010

CrayON boxes, Cute Waiter, and Cranking up the Music!

 So today was pretty much uneventful... well up til about 6 anyways. Around that time we (my sister and I) hopped in her car and then picked up Sarah (who is UBER HYPER), Becca, who is really tall but really cool all at the same time. And then there was Nicole, who is ... well she is Nicole, enough said. So after telling them a  funny story involving a guy and a stick, we decided to go to Outback for dinner. It was AWESOME! Our waiter put  the YUM in YUMMY :)   his name is Nick btw if you wanna go drool over him lol.  At Outback we discovered that if you blow into the box that the crayons come in, it makes a whistling noise which is just fun. Sadly Mel took away our boxes, because we were quote on quote "ANNOYING!"  Nick was very understanding of our ....'weirdness' and we left  him a 25 dollar tip (believe me, he EARNED it!). Oh i found out that i pronounce Crayons wrong. Who knew? On the way home we were ummm a bit giddy so we cranked up the music and sang along to "Highway to Hell", etc. Overall, it was a very interesting night. And tomorrow i get to go do Service Saturday with my friend Becca.! I can't wait, even if it is at 8:00 in THE MORNING!!!!

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