I started hanging out with my cousin recently. She is younger then myself and i was thinking of all the things i could teach her that I have learned while growing up. I figured I could pass it on to my readers as well. Now I must warn you, not all of my lessons that i learned are necessarily good. But they will either make you think or laugh.
Lesson 1: Always be you... whoever that is- I have come to realize that when you are completely you in everything you do, people start reacting in kind. And it is SO much better dealing with a real person than a fake one lol
Lesson 2 : If you have a need for speed... Don't drive at the end of the month - Cops have a quota for speeding tickets ( stupid i know, but if you think about it, that is how they raise money for their county) and at the end of the month all the cops who haven't met said quota will be out looking for prey. Watch OUT!
Lesson 3: Everything is an Adventure.. even if it isn't fun - If you look at everything as an adventure, every new experience, every day, then you find that you enjoy it more.
Lesson 4 : Always Observe... then jump in, if necessary - Watch everything that goes on around you. One it is normally pretty interesting and Two you start picking up useful info. For example by watching people you start to notice things such as when they are lying or how to read body language.
Lesson 5: Be happy!... Even if that means sometimes not being happy- Life is short, we have heard that a million times, but sometimes i don't think it clicks for us. Try to find something enjoyable in all aspects of life and when it comes down to choosing a job, try finding one that suits you and doesn't make you feel like a monkey.
Lesson 6: Watch the movie!... Don't give it away! - This lesson is thanks to my cousin Tanner and my friend Becca. When watching a movie. If you haven't seen it before, flippin' watch the movie so you don't have to keep nudging your friend ( me) and ask What happened? If you have seen it before, keep your little mouth shut so the other viewer (me) can be surprised when bad guy #3 gets killed by the good guy.
All I can think of for now. I will more than likely think of a billion more as soon as i post this but oh well. That will be a post later on then. Hope this helped in some small way :)