Sunday, October 24, 2010

I may just EXPLODE!!!!

As you might know ( if you read my last post), I recently lost my job. For those of you who don't know me very well, I must confess to being a big, BIG worrywart! So normally i would have reacted to such dreadful news by doing what i do best, worrying, but this time was different. Yes, I was upset, and yes, I cried but I am actually quite at peace about the whole thing. And I wanna tell you why. Lately I have been trying to focus on God more and more and i sometimes fail but when i succeed, when I can feel him, it is the most AWESOME experience. And when anyone focuses on God  and has a relationship with him it becomes easier to see that God, the God who created EVERYTHING, including a very odd blonde who talks to much and laughs weird ( thats me in case you were wondering lol), that God has a plan. And his plan trumps my plan any day of the week. Which is saying something because I am a really really good planner lol. So instead of focusing on the things i don't have, such as a boyfriend, a good  job, or a car that actually works right. God has been subtly showing me what I do have. I have more friends then I deserve, even if I do whine about them sometimes, I have a Sunday School class that i absolutely adore that challenges me to get closer to God. I have my baby Max, who always makes me smile. I have parents who put up with me and sometimes understand me ( NO ONE understands me ALL THE TIME, except of course for God). I have intelligents, although i can hide it like no one's business lol, I'm not  beautiful or even pretty for that matter, which used to drive me INSANE but i do have a natural gift for talking (hahah go figure right?) to people and making friends. The coolest thing by far that I have is God, I mean really? What could be better than having the God of EVERYTHING in MY corner, loving me unconditionally, with a plan for my life that will totally rock my socks?! I challenge you my faithful or not so faithful reader(s) to sit and really look over everything you have, and if that doesn't brighten your day, well then go gets some chocolate and do it all over again ;)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another chapter ends

I am going to do my rant one more time, just so i have it on record lol. Yesterday i was fired from my latest job. They used the word 'terminated' i guess to make it sound no so bad, but polish a turd its still a turd. I went to work Monday and when i asked the security guard to give me a badge he said " You have been terminated". I didn't believe him but he showed me on the computer that i had indeed been terminated by Pam , my old boss, on Friday. I called the temp company that i had been working through and she said she would look into it. She called me back and informed me that I had been terminated from the position due to missing work due to being sick and cheating on my time card. Let me explain. Pam told me from the get go that if you didn't feel good you should stay home. The place where i work doesn't have windows or anything so if one person gets sick, then it gets passed around easily. So one day when i was feeling dizzy (which is never good when you are climbing up and down small ladders in a hot enclosed space), i asked to go home and she immediate told me to go home and not come back til i have feeling better. I called off the next day but the day after that i was back at work. Then Friday I informed her that i might want to go home early because i had a slight fever. She almost yelled at me for coming in at all with a fever. And she MADE me go home, as in told me i wasn't allowed to work and needed to leave. So total i missed two days of work (the one full day and then the two half days), a girl i worked with missed a whole week straight and is still there. Then there is the matter of the cheating. I worked 10 hours last Monday, which since a normal shift is 8 hours, i would be getting two hours of overtime. But since i left early Friday i thought that i had to put the two extra hours onto Friday's time so it didn't look like i was getting overtime. It was a mistake, but in my defense they never told us what to do when we were faced with the situation. So i cried alittle, or maybe alot, got angry ALOT!!! And now im trying to enjoy my free time and look for a new job. I could use all the prayer i can get on the new job front. I think what stung the most was that Pam claimed to really like me and she always treated me nicely and then she didn't even have the decency to fire me to my face. Anyways, I apologize for being such a party-pooper. I hope you have had a better week so far :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Piglet, Mississippians, Dreams, and True Love

This blog might be a little long but it is my hope that it will make you laugh, sigh, and think.  Ok I am going to explain the title in order. I, along with my sister and two friends, went to O'Charlies in Chesterfield. We got there a little over an hour before they were to close but the manager said it ok. Our waiter, David, was old and he seemed a little... well flamboyant (if that isn't how it is spelled I apologize). He kept making fun/teasing us and screwing up our orders. For example when he put the napkins down for our soda cups he accidently gave me two but when he came back with the sodas he called me a piglet for having two napkins. Let me repeat: he called ME a PIGLET!!!! I KNOW RIGHT?! Then he didn't give Arielle her salad but gave Mel her salad with arielle's dressing of choice. Halfway through the meal he starts pouring water into Arielle's cup which is pretty sad considering she had been drinking sweet tea.
Story number two. I, along with my sister and two friends (but not the same 2 friends), somehow got into a discussion on what you call a resident of a certain state. We decided that if you live in Mississippi you shall be refered to as a Mississippian lol. We also came up with Connecticutians, New Yorkies, and .... ok well I have seemed to forgotten the other one lol. SO sorry!
Story number three.  I, along with my sister and a friend ( who was present for the other two stories as well), went to lunch after church. Somehow ( and we can never recall afterwards how it got started) we got on the subject of what it would be like if we each married the guy we currently had a crush on. We were laughing in no time. You see they are brothers, and they are pretty much on the other side of the spectrum from us. My guy likes to use big words, he actually LIKES to workout, and he probably spends more time getting ready in the morning then i do in a week! Becca's guy is shorter than her, actually LIKES to workout, and never talks to her since she is shy. Mel's guy.... we guess that he is a male cheerleader for the chess team only because we don't know anything about him and have never actually had a conversation with the guy. But all three of us have impressive imaginations to say the least, so our dream future was full of laughter lol.
Story number four. I , by myself for a change lol, was reading a book ( and yes it was a romance ;0).I  got towards the end when they realize that they love each other. But they way he said it made me sigh and wanna marry the guy myself lol . So i thought i would write it out for you guys so you too can have a little romantic moment for the day.
                   He placed her hand over his heart and said "It beats for you" then he moved her hand to his lips and said "Do you feel these? They breath for you, and my eyes- they see for you. My legs walk for you, my voice speaks for you and my arms- they ache to hold you.  I love you, I love you. I see your face when i wake up in the morning, and you are all I dream about at night. Everything I am and everything I want to be...."
Now if that doesn't make you sigh and long for a piece of dove chocolate, then there is something wrong with you or you already have your romance. Enjoy your day ( oh and message me if you want the name of the book lol)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Eye Candy is gone! GONE I TELL YOU!!!!!

Ok, so there was this guy, at work, who was/ is (wherever he is) adorable! And ladies, let me tell you , the boy smelled GOOD!!!  He was this sweetheart that started work a few days after i did at my new job. But  sadly on Monday he left early because he wasnt feeling good and no one has seen him since. Its slightly tragic because 1.) Good Eye Candy is hard to come by- Either they aren't eye candy or they love themselves too much to be attractive and 2.) Work just isn't the same if you don't have someone to dress up for or to flirt with whenever you are in the mood (five bucks says my mom is going to read this weeks AFTER i post it and she is still going to shake her head and roll her eyes at my 'goofiness' lol). Anyways thats all on that front. Moving on..... I was sick Tuesday and Wednesday and today i decided to go back and brave the world of work. BAD IDEA!!! I wore a pair of pants that had a hole right below the crotch area so i ended up borrowing a safety pin ( and by borrow i of course mean took with no intention of giving back) from a friend and tried to fix it. Well long story short (hehehe get it? like pants but not? oh nevermind!) i have a bruise on my inner thigh from the safety pin (if you mention Karma I will be forced to kill you with said safety pin), my legs hurt and the rest of my body was not ready to be standing for 8 hours in bad shoes. So i ache ALL OVER!!! And i accidently stepped on a frog coming in the front door. Well he was on the sidewalk and i didn't see him! DON'T JUDGE ME!!! He is alive (miracles of all miracles) and he bravely hopped away. ANYWAYS..... I' m uber tired so I'm going to pop Anastasia in and crash. I hope you had a good day :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Melodramatic Moments

Ok, if you are feeling melodramatic yourself or anywhere close to the edge of tears do not read this lol. I am 20 years old which some consider to be quite young. But i feel like i want to have more out of my life by now. And before you say it, I know God's plan for me is perfect I just wish I knew some parts of it. Will i ever find my perfect job? Will i be a cat lady or will i actually find a guy suited for me? Will i always live in Missouri or will i be able to explore the world? Will my life be dull and predictable or will there be excitment? Its times likes these where it is hard to say "Ok God, i will wait for you to show me what to do". I found a guy that i had a HUGE crush on in middle school, on facebook. He is HOT!!!! And it prompted the whole trip down memory lane. Then there is this guy..... who i part love part hate with mixed emotions. Sorry guys to be such a downer tonight, i just really wanted to talk to someone.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

They took the words right out of my mouth

Ok so something weird is going on. I can't think of anything to say. I KNOW! I am shocked too lol. So i decided to make today's blog all about other people's thoughts and opinions. Enjoy!

“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.” -Unknown

“God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.”- Unknown

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain” -Unknown

“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”-Angela Monet

Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.”-Unknown

Limits exist only in the mind”-Unkown

“To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”-Bernard Edmonds

“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don't know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened-Unkown

Laughter is the spark of the soul”-Unkown

Hope that made you think just a little bit. Also i hope you enjoyed my little color scheme thingey lol